
Please be aware that the majority of the names listed on this website have been submitted by community members. The names are displayed in good faith and believed to be correct. We make no representations as to the accuracy of the names listed.

When viewing the names, please keep in mind that there are many people who may have the same name, even in small communities like ours. For example, there might be a John McBride living in New York, Boston and Ireland (three completely different people). None of these would be the John McBride listed on this website (he was from California). So rather than assume that a name you see is someone you know, please double check with members of your communities.

We are working to add memorial profiles that will include photos, obituaries and other relevant information for each person listed. Unfortunately, at this time, we have very little information for the majority of names listed. If you have any relevant information, please forward it to us so we can include it.

This project is a volunteer effort. As such, we are unable to respond to every inquiry we receive regarding the list. We appreciate your understanding.

  • Deaf AIDS Awareness